Join us at the National Forum of State Nursing Workforce Centers 2024 Annual Conference “Accelerating Nursing Workforce Solutions: Innovative Programs and Data to Transform Policy. The conference which will be held on June 17-19, 2024 in San Diego will bring together nursing, workforce, and leaders from across the country to learn, share and network.
 This national conference will focus on these key issues that affect the nursing workforce shortage:
  • K-12 pipeline
  • Pre-requisite education, pre-nursing pathways
  • Pre-licensure education at the RN and APRN levels
  • Health and well-being of the nursing workforce
  • Upskilling the workforce through academic and/or mentoring programs
  • Optimizing the nursing workforce
  • Workforce data
  • State and Federal Policy
The National Forum of State Nursing Workforce Centers is a national network of 43 nursing workforce entities reaching more than 4 million nurses across the nation. Each unique center focuses on addressing the nursing shortage, support the advancement of nurse workforce initiatives, and share best practices in nursing workforce research, planning, development and formulation of policy.

Conference registrants should log-on to the WHOVA app to view the full conference schedule including breakout sessions, slides and more.

Link to access the web version of the app. 

Nursing continuing professional development contact hours are awarded by the Colorado Center for Nursing Excellence.
To receive contact hours, participants must complete the summary evaluation form including documentation of sessions attended.  The evaulation must be submited by July 15, 2024.  Contact hours will be awarded commensurate with documentation.
Colorado Center for Nursing Excellence is approved as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the Colorado Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

Featured Speakers

Day One

Presentation Title: From Roots to Results- Investing in Nursing Practice Creates a Sustainable Future Workforce

Presentation Description: The foundation of an effective health care system is creating a strong nursing workforce. Strategic leadership practices are at the center of this foundation, as nurse leaders are only as strong as the teams they build, the challenges they address, and the workforce they intentionally create. Dr. Brittany Burke shares how Norton Healthcare created a nursing workforce powerhouse to honor its mission of service and responding to the needs of its community; all through the heart of putting people, first.

Brittany Burke, DNP, RN, NEA-BC

System Director, Norton Healthcare’s Institute for Education and Development

Dr. Brittany Burke is System Director of Norton Healthcare’s Institute for Education and Development in Louisville, Kentucky. Dr. Burke has the privilege of leading the nursing clinical practice strategy across Norton Healthcare’s multi-site hospitals and medical groups. Dr. Burke provides direct leadership to over 500 employees, hundreds of students per week, three academic-practice partnerships, and multiple community nursing initiatives. Dr. Burke is a certified nurse leader, national presenter, professional organization committee member, adjunct faculty, and a three-time published author. She truly enjoys investing in nursing practice at all levels, collaborating with leaders to create an environment for learning and career success.

Day Two

Lunch Panel Session Title: Accelerating Nursing Workforce Solutions: Innovative Programs and Data to Transform Policy.

Panel Description: Building and sustaining a robust workforce through creating a healthy and productive workplace culture.Public investments in skills training is critical to building programs that help workers identify and access training for in-demand jobs,  Learn how to engage policymakers to understand how and why investments will strengthen local communities and economies. Data is important and aligned with showcasing stories of workers and employers can produce successful policy advocacy campaigns. 

Melissa Kleder, MA

Senior Program Manager, Employer Activation, National Fund for Workforce Solutions

Melissa Kleder is Senior Program Manager at the National Fund and oversees the implementation of the Healthcare Workforce Development Academy, a technical assistance initiative to help healthcare organizations implement and scale programs that develop their frontline workers. Prior to joining the National Fund, she provided technical assistance and operational support to a diverse network of safety-net sexual and reproductive health organizations at the National Family Planning & Reproductive Health Association. In 2007, Melissa relocated to the DC metro area where she fine-tuned a range of skills including project management, community outreach and education, and legislative advocacy with NARAL Pro-Choice Maryland. After receiving a bachelor’s degree from The Ohio State University, Melissa began her career providing counseling and case management support at two Cleveland-area abortion care providers and a domestic violence center. After several years in direct service, she traveled to the United Kingdom to earn a master’s degree in gender, culture, and society from the University of Essex.

Jeffrey Connor-Naylor

Director, Business Leaders United for Workforce Partnerships

Jeffrey Connor-Naylor began with National Skills Coalition in 2021 as the Director of Business Leaders United (BLU) for Workforce Partnerships. B.L.U. is a national business network comprised of leaders from small and medium-sized enterprises representing a range of industry sectors who are concerned about our nation’s skills mismatch and promote public investments in skills training and education that prepare America’s workers for jobs in the 21st Century economy.

Keynote Presentation Title: Creative Responses to  High Turnover and Low Tenure in the Current Acute Nursing Shortage

Presentation Description: TBD

Patricia Benner, RN, PhD, FAAN

Professor Emerita at the University of California School of Nursing

She is a noted nursing educator and author of From Novice to Expert: Excellence and Power in Nursing Practice, which has been translated into twelve languages. She has directed over 50 doctoral dissertations. She pioneered the use of Interpretive Phenomenology in Nursing.  She directed The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching National Nursing Education Study, Educating Nurses: A Call for Radical Transformation  which was the first such study in forty years. Additionally, she collaborated with the Carnegie Preparation for the Professions studies of clergy, engineering, law, and medicine. Dr. Benner is designated as a Living Legend of the American Academy of Nursing. She was elected an honorary fellow of the Royal College of Nursing and Danish Society for Nurses. Her work has influence beyond nursing in the areas of clinical practice and clinical ethics. She has received five honorary doctorates. She is the first author of Expertise in Nursing Practice: Caring, Ethics and Clinical Judgment (2010) with Christine Tanner and Catherine Chesla, and she has coauthored twelve other notable books including a 2nd Edition of Clinical Wisdom and Interventions in Acute and Critical Care: .A Thinking-In-Action Approach. She is Co-Founder of an online simulation program to teach clinical reasoning and judgment. She is Chief Executive Officer of She received the American Credentialing Center’s Margretta Madden Style President’s Leadership Award in October, 2023.

Keynote Presentation Title: Strengthening the Nursing Workforce through H.O.P.E.

Presentation Description: The presentation will include an outline of the H.O.P.E framework and initiative to support nurses internally as well as populations and external stakeholders.

Chief Nurse Officer RDML Jennifer Moon, U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps

RDML Jennifer Moon began her nursing career as an emergency department fellow at the Washington Hospital Center. After honing her skills as an ED nurse, she sought out opportunities in the health insurance industry. RDML Moon worked in the Utilization Review, Medical Management, and Special Investigation Units at both CareFirst and WellPoint Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS). In 2002, RDML Moon took a position as a nurse consultant for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) at the Atlanta Regional Office. At CMS, RDML Moon was a federal surveyor of nursing homes, intermediate care facilities for individuals with intellectual disabilities, psychiatric hospitals, and hospice facilities. While assigned to CMS, RDML Moon was commissioned as a Lieutenant in the USPHS Commissioned Corps in 2005. In 2006, she moved to the Division of Immigration Health Services (DIHS, now ICE Health Service Corps) as a Managed Care Coordinator (MCC) prior to becoming the DIHS Nurse Epidemiologist in 2008 working on infection control and TB case management until January 2013, excluding one year as a Watch Officer at the DHS National Operations Center (NOC). In February 2013, RDML Moon transferred back to CMS to work on the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Marketplaces. While at CMS, she became the ACA non-discrimination standards subject matter expert. In December 2015, RDML Moon returned to IHSC to serve as the Eastern Regional Field Medical Coordinator (RFMC) in the Medical Case Management Unit (MCMU). Later, she assumed the role of Unit Chief for Medical Quality Management and worked diligently to staff and enhance the Risk Management and Quality Improvement programs. RDML Moon is a board-certified Family Nurse Practitioner and completed her doctoral degree in nursing practice (DNP) at the University of Maryland in 2020 with a concentration on healthcare management and evidence-based practice. She received her undergraduate Bachelors of Science in nursing (BSN) degree from Armstrong State University, her Masters of Science in Nursing (MSN) from Marymount University, and a Masters in Public Health (MPH) from Emory University with a focus in healthcare outcomes and epidemiology. She has supported several national and international deployment missions both with the U.S. Public Health Service and Immigration and Customs and Enforcement (ICE). She deployed with the Monrovia Medical Unit (MMU) team #4 to Liberia in support of the Ebola response in 2015 and was subsequently awarded the Ebola Campaign Medal with Expeditionary Attachment. Since November 2018, RDML Moon has served as the Deputy Assistant Director for Healthcare Compliance at IHSC. In October 2023, RDML Moon was appointed as the Chief Professional Officer (CPO) for the nursing category of the USPHS Commissioned Corps. RDML Moon’s vision for the Nurse Category and the USPHS Commissioned Corps is the pursuit of excellence. The framework of this vision is captured within the concepts of Honor, Obligation, Purpose, and Empowerment (HOPE). RDML Moon believes that nurses are the heart and the HOPE of the USPHS Commissioned Corps as well as the health of the nation. RDML Moon’s goals include development of a strategic action plan founded on HOPE and within the context of the Surgeon General’s priorities, leveraging available resources to support and advance nursing competencies and proficiencies, and ensuring a national sense of recognition for the USPHS Commissioned Corps. 

Day Three

Presentation Title: TBD

Keynote Presentation Description: TBD

Leah FitzGerald, PhD, FNP-BC, FAAN

Director, Division of Nursing and Public Health, Health Resources and Services Administration 

Leah FitzGerald, PhD, FNP-BC, FAAN is the Director of the Division of Nursing and Public Health (DNPH) at the Health Resources and Services Administration’s Bureau of Health Workforce. In this capacity, she provides strategic guidance and oversight for a $642M/year investments focused on developing and increasing the health workforce through various education and practice programs.   Under her leadership, the DNPH’s workforce development efforts support three key areas – Nursing Education and Practice, Advanced Nursing Education, and Behavioral and Public Health with a focus on increasing the supply, distribution, and preparation of a diverse nursing, behavioral and public health workforce prepared with the skillset to deliver quality care in community-based settings to rural and underserved populations and to promote new innovative models of health care delivery.

Dr. FitzGerald is board certified by the American Nurses Credentialing Center as a Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) and has over 35 years of clinical experience.  Prior to joining HRSA she was Professor and Fletcher Jones Endowed Chair Community Partnerships at Mount Saint Mary’s University, Los Angeles, California where she also served as Dean of Nursing for 7 years.  From 2005-2015, she was faculty at University of California, Los Angeles.  In 2021, she was inducted into the American Academy of Nursing in 2021.

Dr. FitzGerald completed a BSN and MSN at Boston College School of Nursing and then earned a PhD in Nursing from the University of California, Los Angeles CA.  She then completed post-doctoral training at the UCLA Norman Cousins Center in psychoneuroimmunology. Dr. FitzGerald is the current president of The Roy Adaptation Association International.

Conference Registration is closed. No refunds after May 31, 2024. 

Conference registration includes all educational sessions, continuing education credits, access to the Welcome Reception, meals and snacks, poster sessions, exhibitors  and the WHOVA conference application.

Conference Registration Rates

  • Full Conference Non-member Rate: $895
  • Full Conference Non-member Early Bird Rate (through March 31st): $875
  • Full Conference Associate Subscriber(click for more information about associate subscriptions)  Rate: $850
  • Full Conference Associate Subscriber Early Bird Rate (through March 31st): $825
  • Full Conference State Subscriber Registration (limited to 2 per state center) Rate: $775
  • Full Conference State Subscriber Registration (limited to 2 per state center) Early Bird Rate: $725
  • One day Conference Registration Rate: $400

Click to go to Registration Site 

Conference Hotel Room Block is Closed

Our hotel block includes a reduced rate, 50% off the Destination Fees, a discounted parking rate and wireless internet access.

Hotel Location: 

Hyatt Regency La Jolla

3777 La Jolla Village Drive

San Diego, CA 921222


Click to go to Conference Hotel Reservation Site 

Sponsorship and Exhibitor Opportunities is closed. 

The National Forum of State Nursing Workforce Centers (National Forum) is excited to host our 2024 Annual Conference, “Accelerating Nursing Workforce Solutions: Innovative Programs and Data to Transform Policy” on June 17-19, 2024 at the Hyatt Regency La Jolla, 3777 La Jolla Village Drive, San Diego, CA.
Nurses and healthcare leaders will come together to share cutting edge models of practice, data analytics and innovations in nursing education to change the nursing workforce game and address the critical workforce development issues facing our nation.
Take advantage of this opportunity to promote your company’s products and/or services to over 200 in-person attendees. There are many high visibility sponsorship options along with digital media opportunities offering exposure through the conference website, pre & post-conference marketing, program and conference mobile app. Space is limited, reserve your spot today! First come, first serve.
Attendees are nursing and healthcare leaders from across the country including:
  • National and state healthcare and nursing workforce researchers and data professionals
  • Federal and state regulators in labor, public health and workforce strategy
  • Administrators, leaders, and direct care workers from practice facilities
  • Deans and faculty from educational institutions
  • Policy makers interested in learning more about nursing workforce shortage solutions.
If you have any questions or would like to inquire further on a sponsorship or exhibitor opportunities, please contact our Sponsorship & Exhibitor Co-chairs:
Deb Collins at
Ingrid Johnson at

2024 Sponsorship and Exhibitor Prospectus

Click Here to Purchase a Sponsorship or Exhibit Table

Sponsorship Deadline: May 31, 2024

Abtract submission is closed.

  • How can I submit an abstract to present?  Abstract submission for this year’s conference is closed.
  • When is conference registration open?  Conference registration is open February 1, 2024 until May 31st.  Special early bird rates end March 31st. Click here to go to registration site. 
  • Where is the conference being held?  The Conference is being held at the Hyatt Regency La Jolla in San Diego, CA.  Special conference hotel rates are available at the Conference Reservation site through May 24, 2024.
  • I would like to purchase an exhibit table. How do I do that?  Exhibit table information is included in our Sponsorship and Exhibitor Prospectus.  Exhibit tables are $1,500 each and can be purchased on the Sponsorship and Exhibit Payment Site.
  • Who attends the conference?  We are anticipating over 200 attendees from across the United States. This includes national and state nursing workforce researchers and planners, federal and state regulators, health care administration, nursing education administrators and policy makers.
  • Who do I contact if I have questions?  You can contact Patricia Moulton Burwell, PhD, Director of the National Forum of State Nursing Workforce Centers.  Her email address is 
  • What is an Associate Subscription?  Anyone interested in joining our national network can become an Associate Subscriber.  Some of the benefits include participation on national committees and sharing sessions, a discounted annual conference rate, access to our online subscription portal that includes an expert directory, discussion forums, events and nursing workforce resources. Associate Subscribers pay an annual fee of $99.  More information is available under the Associate Subscription section at our National Network page. 
  • What are State Subscribers?  State subscribers are the leading organization in each state that is working on nursing workforce and has registered with the National Forum to participate in our network. The National Forum currently has 43 states in our network.  Click here to see our location map.   If you are interested in more information about becoming a State Subscriber for your state, please contact Patricia Moulton Burwell, PhD, Director of the National Forum of State Nursing Workforce Centers.  Her email address is 




CT Center for Nursing Workforce, Inc. 

InPlace Software

Galen College of Nursing

Texas Center for Nursing Workforce Studies 

Grand Canyon University 


Bravo Care



Florida Center for Nursing 

Supporting Sponsors

Washington Center for Nursing

Deborah Stamps Consulting, LLC

GlobalData Health Economics Consulting 

Norton Healthcare 

American Hospital Association/American Organization for Nursing Leadership 

Nevada Action Coalition 

Abstracts Submission System Sponsor

Kansas Nursing Workforce Center